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"Welcome home- are you ready for an adventure?"

Do you â€‹feel like you're not reaching your potential, and want to go deeper into self-improvement and growth?


Do you want to gain clarity on who you are + what you truly want?


Do you want to move through limitations that are keeping your stuck?


Do you want to feel more balanced, radiant + joyful?

You've come to the right place.


I'm a holistic life coach, personal trainer and founder of The Sisterhood program. My work is helping women uncover their full potential by cultivating true connection to themselves and finding balance in their minds + bodies. By truly knowing ourselves and learning to listen to the inherent wisdom of our bodies, we find a sense of direction, power and deep fulfilment.

Hi, I'm Carla.

​I started my journey in the wellness industry as a fitness instructor at a gym, working with clients to transform their bodies. Working 1:1 with people, I created trust and real connection, and found that clients would start opening up to me on a more personal level


I started noticing a pattern in many of my female clients: many of the women coming to me were seeking transformation in other areas of their lives as well, and intuitively they knew that change started in their bodies. They wanted to ‘get back on track’, or ‘take control of their lives’, or ‘feel good about themselves’, and that’s what drew them to the gym. They didn’t exactly know what they wanted, but they knew they wanted something more.


I myself had been in this position a few years before. Lacking a sense of direction. I struggled to find meaning in my life. I pursued fulfillment though gym, academics and work, hoping that the next achievement would give me the sense of fulfilment I craved. I pushed down my own feelings to the point where I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted. I felt numb inside.


Through the years I've had many coaches and mentors of my own and have gone deep into my personal discovery journey. What I’ve realised is that working with our bodies is the first step- that’s why so many people are drawn to the gym when they’re looking for change. The foundations of exercise, sleep, good food, and time in nature are crucial to feeling good and giving us the energy to live the life we want. Yet we often forget about the other two pieces of the puzzle: mind + spirit.






Mind is our beliefs and thought patterns. You may not know this but there are stories you are running in your mind that are holding you back. Beliefs that you  have adopted about yourself, about other people and about the world that keep you small. Our brain does this to protect you from being hurt, rejected or failing, using fear to stop us stepping out again. When we can break down those self-limiting beliefs and open up to endless possibility, we become free. 


Spirit is beyond the mind. I’m going to get airy fairy woo woo with you here. And it’s okay if that’s not for you. But if it is, listen up: in order to find our direction we need to learn how to listen in to that quiet voice of our soul. Our inner guidance. Our intuition. The essence of who we are. When you start to slow down and listen, you realise the woman who you long to become is already inside of you. 
This is what will light you up. This will set your heart on fire. THIS is when you find your spark.

Bringing together mind body AND spirit. Bringing together all the parts, you become whole again.

Why work with me?



In today’s world, we are overwhelmed with information. Information about who we should be, what we should be doing, how we should live our lives.


Throughout our teens and twenties, the most impressionable years of our lives, we are put under a huge amount of stress to keep up and achieve in all areas of our lives; education, careers, relationships and social.


We expend a huge amount of energy on our outside world, yet there is very little guidance on how to cultivate the beautiful garden of our inside world.




As a result, you may be left feeling:




Unsure of where you’re going, the bigger picture and what you really want from life.


Lacking meaningful, close relationships and 
despite being surrounded by people, feeling isolated.


It feels like there's so much to do, so many avenues to explore. You just don't know where to start, how to move forward.


Just rolling with whatever life throws instead of consciously shaping your future.


Life isn’t flowing. It feels flat and meaningless, like you're just going through the motions.


Feeling like you're not reaching your potential. Searching for more. Curious what more life has to offer.

This is where I come in.

The heart of my work is helping you to rediscover your spark. The truth of who you really are. The light inside you that is always there, but may have been dimmed through years of suppressing it. I want to help you find the magic in the mundane.

My Approach

The basis of my coaching practice is that everyone holds the answer to their own questions. You are the expert on you. My work is to help you move through the noise, and come back to the heart of who YOU are.


I work by creating space for you. You are safe to open up and be completely seen and heard. I listen. I join up the dots. . . I help you create structure. To piece it all together. To finally get clear on your vision and your goals.


We will go DEEP into self-enquiry and learn tools which help you to access your inner wisdom. The part of you that knows. The voice inside you which guides you, but often we’re not even aware that it’s there. Letting this guide you is KEY to finding your spark and your power.


We explore the connections between your thoughts, emotions and actions. Why you do what you do. Becoming aware of your subconscious thoughts is essential to understanding and changing your behaviour to align it with who you want to become


Together, we will work through self limiting beliefs, and identify the views you hold about yourself and the world which are holding you back. You will learn to work with your body, listening to her and learning to understand what she is asking for in order to feel safe and secure. We will construct practical, action plans for moving forwards, whilst at the same time cultivating a sense of magic and oneness with the universe. 


This is not for the fainthearted. It is courageous work. A journey into the deepest parts of our souls can drag up all kinds of monsters and gremlins. Yet it is only once we shine a light on them that we realise that they don’t have a hold on us any more.


We no longer live in fear. We live in love.

“The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.”

– Julien Green

Here's how I support you to step into your power + create a life that you love: 

Getting clear on the vision you have for life + identifying your current blocks. We go deep into who you are and what you want.


A personalised movement plan, designed to get you back into your body and moving with grace and flow. Mobilising your body's energy is a great way to create the momentum you need to make changes.


Identifying and shifting the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself + about the world which are holding you back from achieving your goals.


Creating lasting mindset shifts, key to creating the confidence and momentum to carry you forward into the person you want to become and the life you want to lead.


Exercises to connect in with your body, creating a deeper sense of empowerment, inner-strength and health. You learn how to access your body's wisdom.


Learning how to bring your mind and body back to balance through guided mediations, body work, rituals, visualisation, breath work and more. You will carry these tools with you for life and they will continue guiding you on your journey of self-discovery. 

Do you feel the call? Are you ready for an adventure?

Get clarity on your vision. Navigate the world from a place of inner strength. Feel your soul light up and overflow with love, energy + creativity as you finally recognise your path and come back home.


Do you feel the call? The invitation to embark on an adventure?

The moment is now.


Book in for a free Discovery Call to find out what YOU can get from coaching

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