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The Sisterhood

Find your spark.

The Program

The Sisterhood is a 7 week program, guiding young women to forge a deeper connection with their true self and reconnect with the joy, passion and purpose in their hearts.

Is this you?

Is this your story?

  • "I feel like I need to get my life back on-track. There are so many things I should be doing but I feel  out of balance and overwhelmed."

  • "I feel disconnected from my body. Some days I love it, some days I don't like what I see in the mirror. Sometimes it feels like we're not on the same team, like we're working against each other."

  • "I'm very indecisive. In fact, making decisions gives me a headache. Even choosing my meal at a restaurant is a bigger deal than it should be. I never know what I really want or need in the moment."

  • "I love my friends, but I don't feel like they're 'my people'. I'm craving deeper, more meaningful and intimate relationships. People who share my values and visions. Who want to grow and who inspire me to grow."

  • "I feel out of touch with my feminine side and with my sexuality. I don't really feel sexy or flirty or playful. In fact, those things make me feel kind of uncomfortable. Yet I long to feel comfortable and confident in my femininity."

  • I find it difficult to follow through with my ideas or goals. Don't get me wrong, I'm full of passion but when it comes to actually making it happen, my motivation seems to slip away."

  • "I have this sense that I'm searching for something more, but I'm not entirely sure what it is.  Maybe its my purpose. Maybe it's happiness. Maybe it's a sense of belonging. Maybe it's all of them. I don't really know. I don't know what direction I'm going in."

Even though it may seem overwhelming, there are some key reasons why you're feeling out of alignment.

Big Leaf


You don't know how to connect and communicate with your body.

When you're not in your body, then you're almost certainly too much in your head. This stops you getting lost in the moment, from feeling true joy and pleasure. Instead you feel uptight, intense, anxious or stressed, unable to just 'go with the flow'. You may also notice this having an effect on your body; fatigue, bloating, low libido, emotional eating.... the list goes on! Learning to work with your body instead of against it brings benefits not just on a physical level but also on an emotional level.

Healthy body, healthy mind.


You don't have the right kind of support network.

Big Leaf

Nothing can truly capture the joy and empowerment that comes from being part of a sister circle. To be real with a group of people that you trust brings so much safety and security. It allows you to open up, not just to others but to yourself. It allows you to feel loved, cherished, supported, and to know your own value. It provides a safe place to be completely seen for who we are. A group of women with shared values will inspire and carry each other onwards to become their best selves. 

This is the power of community.

Big Leaf


You have not cultivated a relationship with YOURSELF

Who is the only person that is going to be with you for your whole life, no matter what? YOU! Yet how well do you really know yourself? Who are you? What are your deepest desires? What value do you bring to other people? What beliefs do you have about yourself that are holding you back from achieving your wildest dreams and ambitions? 

Our relationship with everything in the OUTSIDE world is directly affected by our relationship with our INSIDE world.

"So what's the solution?"

Reasons you're out of alignment
Introducing the sisterhood


The Sisterhood


Women have gathered in circles for many over 2000 years. In traditional cultures, women shared many of the daily activities of life; gathering food, cooking, singing and sharing. Knowledge and wisdom was passed down though lineages. Women would teach women to awaken, nurture and enhance their feminine gifts.


The idea for The Sisterhood was born through seeing so many modern women going through their journeys alone. Today's society is so fragmented and individualistic, many women crave for but never receive this ancient connection and support. They never learn how to develop their intuition, cultivate their feminine energy, connect with their bodies and find their spark. 


The deep yearning in your heart to connect with your  sisters, to be wild, authentic and to come home is an ancient yearning, infused with our DNA, which understands the beautiful, healing power of a  sisterhood.

Heed the call.

Health & Wellbeing

Connection & Belonging

Purpose & Direction

Spark & Magic

Week 1

The Foundations of Body Intelligence

We learn how to tune in with our body, and how to provide it with what it needs.  Our body holds our negative emotions and energy. This is why you get a headache when stressed for example. Learning to listen and read the signs is crucial for health and balance in the body and mind. Our body holds a unique intelligence, and when we start to build a relationship with it, it provides us with guidance in all areas of our lives.

Personal daily ritual creation - what does YOUR body need to function optimally each day?


Grounding; activating the parasympathetic nervous system and creating safety in the body.


Creating space to listen, and how to read the signs.


Awakening our feminine power.

Week 2

Every person contains a blend of masculine and feminine energy. However, it is the balance of these energies which show up and affect how we feel and how we act. Feminine energy is the  joy to be alive, the pleasure in each moment. It is the softness, the radiance, the openness. Your intuition and inner guidance, speaking the truth from your heart all come from a balanced feminine energy. Learning to cultivate your feminine energy brings more joy and balance to your life.

Cycles - How the feminine is affected by the moon cycle and the menstrual cycle.


Masculine + Feminine energy - What do they look like? What do they do? How do they work?

Practices to access, cultivate and balance our feminine energy. Experience what it feels like to 'be in your feminine'.


Motivation, confidence + goal creation.

Week 3

This session is extremely empowering. We build a sense of autonomy and inner power around creating and pursuing your ambitious. Do you have dreams and plans that somehow you can never seem to follow through? Your motivation seems to drop off as time goes on? Or maybe you never feel ready to start  We look at the two KEY things holding you back from pursuing your dreams, and put in place strategies to move past them.

Desire mapping - Creating clarity around your vision. Your ambitions and goals are linked to WHO you want to be, and HOW you want to feel. When you design goals which are aligned with this vision, they are achieved much more easily because they become part of who you are.

Identifying self-limiting beliefs; what subconscious thought patterns are running your behaviours and creating emotions that hold you back?

Support - calling in reinforcement! How to ask for what you need and give yourself the best chance of bringing your plans and dreams to life.


Week 4

Connection on a soul level. 

Your relationship with yourself is reflected in your relationship with others. Whether you push people away, people please, struggle connecting or become over dependant, all of these things can tell us something about our relationship to self. Normally, it stems from a feeling that deep down we are not enough in some shape or form. A strong relationship with ourself is key to creating firm boundaries which enforce healthy relationships with others.

In this session we look at the beliefs you hold about yourself which affect your interactions. We also explore boundaries and how they allow us to open our hearts safely and connect with ourselves + others:

Decoding repeating patterns in our interactions. We go into a deep insight meditation.

How to set boundaries and when to enforce them. Where are our boundaries currently being crossed? 

Forgiveness, letting go and reestablishing our relationship to self.


Find your voice, find your power.

Week 5

Being able to show up in the world and express yourself authentically is a big part of stepping into your power. When you are holding back, hiding or toning down any part of yourself this creates dissonance between your heart and mind. This can manifest as feelings of anxiety, loneliness, shame, guilt, stress, sadness etc. However, when your words and actions are aligned with who you are, you become authentic and become true to yourself. This creates a feeling of wholeness, confidence and strength. This is what makes people magnetic.

In this session, we focus on finding your voice and showing up authentically. 

Where have you been stifling your spark? Exploring the energetic effects on the body that come from repressing our voice. 

Getting clear on YOU. Who are you? What is your unique contribution to the world? What lights you up?

Getting your needs met vs creative expression.


Week 6

The powers of perception, intuition & emotion.

What if you KNEW exactly who you were and where you were meant to be? This session goes into intuition and guidance. We're going to get a little woo woo so I hope you're still will me. The underlying principle is that the universe has our backs. There is something greater than you supporting and guiding you. Knowing this allows you to let go of the need to control so you can relax into a sense of certainty and freedom.

There are two parts to this; learning how to tap into our own inherent wisdom, and learning how to ask for and receive guidance. Guidance comes in many forms. The more you ask for it the more you will receive.

How to tune into and trust the guidance available to us and where to find it.

Tapping into your desires and piecing together the clues; what are the little nudges you might have been ignoring?

Myth busting: how to know when fear is talking.


Week 7

Becoming a Creatrix.

This is where we take everything we've learned and piece it all together. This is where you realise that you are already powerful. You are already free. You are already there. When you realise this, you can have the world. 

A creatrix is a woman who creates. She takes her dreams and manifests them into reality. In order to become a creatrix, you must be open to it. You must acknowledge your power. You are an infinite, boundless individual. There are no limits to what you can do except for the limits you place on yourself.

A new beginning: mapping out and creating your new reality.


How to manifest your dreams and desires. ​The power of your thoughts; tools, practices and mindset. 

Troubleshooting common blocks and difficulties.

The Programme

The Program

A seven week program that will give you the tools to GROW and the support and nourishment to BLOOM.


It's time to step into more:

This is Perfect for you if:

  1. You want to feel balanced and find more structure in your life.

  2. You want to step into your feminine energy and feel empowered + confident.

  3. You want to have more clarity with your goals and direction in life. 

  4. You want to feel more joyful, have more fun + stop taking things so seriously.

  5. You are striving for self-growth and want to get to know who you really are.

  6. You are looking for more connection with others and a sense of belonging.

  7. You have dreams and goals and want to finally make them a reality.

  8. You feel like you are not reaching your potential and are curious to find out what more there is to be uncovered.

What you get:

  • Weekly circles covering a new and interesting topics each session.

  • To connect and share with a community of likeminded women.

  • Access to optional natural movement class:  Friday 7.15-8.15 (mobility, agility, strength + flow)

  • Tools + exercises to go deeper into your journey of self-growth.

  • An online community where you can access ongoing support, resources + good vibes through the week.

  • Valuable insight + wisdom through group sharing .

You Come away with:

  1. A strong tribe of sisters.

  2. Clarity on your goals + personal vision.

  3. A deeper connection to who you really are.

  4. An understanding your personal blocks + an action plan to move forwards.

  5. Knowledge of tools and practices  to reharmonize your mind - body connection and restore balance.

  6. A deeper sense of joy, peace and love

  7. Feeling confident, secure and in control of life.

  8. Knowledge on how to tune into your own personal wisdom to help guide you as you continue on your journey.

Next Course:


What: The Sisterhood 7 week course

When: Every Wednesday 5-7 PM. Starting 16th of October.

Where: Loughborough (Address on confirmation)

Who: A sisterhood of 15 women. Sessions led by Carla Howell.

Cost: £30 

How: Sign up below!

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