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Understanding your Cycle

How well do you know your p e r i o d?

Every woman’s cycle is different. The average length is 25-30 days, but ‘normal’ can be anywhere between 21-35. However, what IS standard across all women are the 4 stages which they will cycle through every month.

Understanding where we are in our cycles is key to understanding what our body needs at different times of the month.

By following the rhythms of our body instead of fighting to work and grind and hustle at 100% every single day, we can make use of the different strengths we posses at each phase of the cycle.

Mother nature also cycles through 4 seasons, which correspond with the 4 seasons of the menstrual cycle. I’ve used them here to characterise each phase of the cycle and what flavour it brings with it:

Follicular phase: estrogen rising + egg prepared to be released

🌸 Spring time: Playful, Motivated, Optimistic, Focused.

✨Best for: Setting intentions, starting new projects, making vision boards or setting goals. A good time to plan out your month and set goals - you are more capable and energetic now.

Ovulation: Ovaries release eggs, estrogen peaks.

☀️ Summer time: Confident, Magnetic, Fabulous, Expressive

✨ Best for: Public speaking (interviews, filming or recording), meeting people, going on dates or everything requiring a lot of energy or charisma. You are very fertile during this phase both physically and metaphorically, so a good time for making a 👶 , OR giving life to the project or idea you planned in the spring time. Time to make stuff happen!

Luteal Phase: uterus lining thickens in preparation for possible pregnancy

🍂Autumn time: Sensitive, Creative, Intuitive, Direct

✨Best for: Reflection (on self, life, work etc.), creating quiet time for artistic projects and creations, starting to slow down. Wrapping up your projects. You are less likely to take sh*t from people during this phase and are less tolerant- sometimes known as ‘PMS’, however I like to think of it as your s u p e r p o w e r. This is when you are most truthful with yourself, clearer on what you will and will not tolerate. It’s a good time to assess what’s not working in your life.

Menstruation: Shedding of the uterine lining + bleeding.

❄️Winter time: Release, Insight, Surrender, Receiving

✨Best for: Looking inside your self, this is the time of the month when the veil between you mind and intuition is the thinnest, take time to receive answers to questions and insights on questions and things you are struggling with. Also a good time to let go of anything which is not moving you forwards; relationships, negative thought patterns and bad habits. Be gentle with yourself during this time.

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