How much time do you spend CREATING rather than CONSUMING? Use this simple tip to stop starting your day with a consumer mindset.
The way we start the day is the way we finish the day. When we roll out of bed and the first thing we do is have a scroll on IG, check our messages and emails, immediately we put ourselves in a passive headspace. We are absorbing other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions, their take on the world.
But what about us? How do we feel? What do we want? What direction do WE want to go in today?
The morning is our time to set boundaries between us and the rest of the world. We might watch listen to the news, surf the internet, watch TV or movies. All this time, we are being bombarded with other people’s opinions and emotions. It’s no wonder so many of us feel like we don’t really know WHO WE ARE and what DIRECTION we’re going in.
Keeping the first hour (or even half hour!) of the day just for you is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing. Give yourself the SPACE to think, to feel, to dream. I like to start the day with some meditation and stretching. This allows me to check in with where my mind and body are at. Some days, I slip into a good old social media scrolling session in bed (who doesn’t?) , and on those days I honestly feel like a zombie.
When we feel centred in who we are, we have more clarity to go off into the world and CREATE our visions and goals.